Shattered Innocence
Gerada Baremans
I was born in the Netherlands on 8 April 1937, the eldest of five girls. I was only two years old, when war broke out. My childhood was not free and easy as my mother had three girls between 1937 and 1940. She would constantly remind me that I was the eldest of the family and had to be an example for my siblings. Times were hard we didn’t have many toys and I remember my mother making dolls for us out of material and using papier-mâché for their faces. She also made dolls houses from cardboard boxes with the furniture made from match boxes. Those were the days.
Wilhelmina De Brey
Wilhelmina De Brey
These pieces are in memory of those I failed to help survive. I had hoped to save their lives. Through the betrayal of another person, to the secret police, the Kempeitai, our house was invaded. I had received a visit from a woman three weeks before the raid, and from this we had a premonition of danger ahead.
Johanna Binkhorst
Johanna Binkhorst
I was born in 1918 to a Dutch father and German mother. I was educated in Germany, where I lived and enjoyed a comfortable family life until the depression began. Due to political unrest, my father decided to take the family to Holland, not an easy transition to make for a family with four children.
Hans Hulsbosch
Independent Brand Designer
Hans Hulsbosch, independent brand designer, born in Valkenswaard just south of Eindhoven, the Phillips city, age 62 in 2014.
Married to Marianne in the Netherlands before emigration to New Zealand. Marianne’s Father had knowledge of Australia and had positive views of the country. Hans was trained in design and advertising and worked principally for a well-known design agency in Amsterdam, Ten Cate Bergmans, as well as advertising agency Leo Burnett. He was offered a position in San Francisco in 1972 but he declined at the last moment. However, they had mentally prepared for a move away from the Netherlands and then considered other options, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. They settled for Australia ….
Marijke Greenway
Marijke Greenway, Renowned Artist and Former World-Class Trampolinist
Marijke Greenway is an achiever, in different countries, South Africa and Australia, and in quite different fields. Her story is exceptional in many ways.
She was born in the Netherlands in 1943, in Halfweg/Zwanenburg, close to Amsterdam, the fourth child of six in the Van den Boogaard family. Two of the children (Thea and Hans) suffered from asthma, so the parents decided to move to a drier and sunnier climate and migrated to South Africa in 1953. Marijke lived there for 35 years before re-migrating with her husband John Greenway and three children to Sydney, Australia, in 1988.
Dick van Leer
Dick van Leer, People Lover and Entrepreneur.
Not long ago, a book was published about Dick under the title The Incredible Life of Dick van Leer. This very readable account of Dick’s life, a family history really, written jointly with Aubrey Cohen, starts with his birth in 1922 in Surabaya, Dutch East Indies.
1950s migrant, Peter Herweynen
1950s migrant, Peter Herweynen, Master Builder in Tasmania and the Antarctica
When he was 18 years old, Jan van Herweynen was asked by his father to travel to Tasmania, purchase a piece of land and begin building a house. Jan was accompanied by his cousin Bob Brinkman and the sister of his mother, Janny de Jonge. They left Schipol airport in Amsterdam on the fifth of February and arrived in Australia on the 12th of February, 1951.